6 Jun 2018

Kim, Trump may discuss construction of casino in North Korea

Donald Trump & Kim Jong Un

Kim Yong Chol, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s top aide and special envoy, repor💯tedly called on the United States to support a plan to build a world-class resort in the eastern port city of Wonsan in a meeting with US President Donald Trump.

In his meeting with Trum🍷p at the White House, Kim Yong Chol said of North Korea’s plan to create an international tourist destination with a casino in Wonsan city and ski resort in Masikr🐓yong,

The tourist area, if constructed, will be able to generate about US$ 50 million a year, according to the South Korean government’s estimation. This would be quite a contribution to the rogue nation’s economy given💛 that its annual trade volume stands at a mer🏅e US$ 7 billion.

The massive construction plan is interpreted as the regime’s decision to overcome economic hardship and isolation by promoting itself as a premierℱ casino and tourism destin𓃲ation.

Trump and Kim Jong Un are scheduled to meet for 🌊a historic dialogue in Singapore on 12th June. The hermit nation already has one casino in the capital city Pyongyang where visitors and tourists are allowed to gamble.

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